Hope Church Worship Services information
Labor day through June:
- 10:00AM |
Sunday School |
9:00 - 10:00AM |
Adult Fellowship/Discussion Time |
10:00 AM |
Worship Service (Nursery service
available for infants thru first graders) |
11:00 AM |
Coffee Hour |
June through Labor Day:
10:00 AM |
Worship Service |
11:00 AM |
Coffee Hour |
Communion is Celebrated the first Sunday of every
Special Worship Services:
Christmas Eve
5:30 PM |
Family Service |
7:30 PM |
Traditional Candlelight Service |
Holy Week
7:00 PM |
Maundy Thursday: Service |
8:00 AM - 10:00AM |
Breakfast in Fellowship Hall |
10:00 AM |
Traditional Easter Service |
Located 2 miles West of Route 9 at:
617 Hope Chapel Road, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Click for
Directions |